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3 Dimensional Learning at Muvule Academy

Muvule Academy

27th July 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope this letter finds you and your families safe and well.

This letter is to give you an update on our planned online reopening on Monday, 7th September 2020, and might not have all your questions answered. Muvule Academy together with other international schools are awaiting further clarification from the Government. Based on communication with Ministry of Education and Sports, Private, Government and international schools, Muvule Academy will open school virtually until the all clear has been given for fully opening schools.

This letter explains to you our plan, although it is provisional and could be changed or postponed at any moment based on our interpretation of the ever-changing advice and evidence. We are committed to the safety of our students, teachers, staff, families and community at large while focusing on learning.

As things stand, we will open virtually on Monday, 7th September 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools developing various learning models to ensure continuity of students’ learning.

Muvule Academy culture of learning

  • The child is at center- with teachers being the class teacher and the relationship shared between teacher/student, parents/caregivers and the learning environment.

  • Experiential- learning by doing

  • concept/skills based mastery

  • Social-emotional development

Highly personalised learning

Introduction of new learning model

  • Key concepts and skills based model

  • Teacher introduction of key concept/skill

  • Guided Practice

  • Independent Practice- will span 3-5 days

  • Provide Evidence of learning

  • Assessments and short and long term reports- for progress

We realize children need support with their learning in order to feel confident and in accordance with their cognitive development stage.

Teacher’s roles

  • Home visits- review (where applicable), introduce new concepts or skills that matches the learning in the various subject areas- including Phonics, Math, movement, art- develop gross and fine motor skills, consolidate, provide examples, guided practice, document learning, assess

  • Provide feedback on learning (evidence of learning- assignments)

  • Identify child’s strengths and areas to work on AND communicate these to parents/caregivers

  • Story time to elevate/support early reading and imaginative engagement

For our littlest learners, Seedlings/Little Stems, Mr. Isaac and Ms Brenda are excited to implement an engaging weekly home visit program that is characterized by music to build language and communication skills, movement to build gross motor skills and Art that builds fine motor skills which are the pre skills needed for writing and building imagination as well as reading.

Our online learning platform has virtual field trips, fun P.E. music videos suited for children aged 1-3 years.

We have purposely developed learning videos and the teacher home visits to ensure our children have abundant opportunities to observe, mirror and learn from our educators.

During these visits, our teachers will take the highest health and safety precautions as per the Center of Disease Control and the Ministry of Health while working with your child.

To help support our families, during each visit, the teacher will provide a mini demonstration to the parent/caregiver that is present, a summary of the learning session, learning expectations for the week, answer questions about navigating our online learning platform, and any learning related questions.

We want to assure you, this is a partnership between MA, you, and our children.

Kind regards,


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